Neris Mercedes Ramos Acevedo is a renowned professional in the field of Business Management with a Master’s degree from the University of Bordeaux, France. Neris is also a graduate in Accounting and has a postgraduate degree in Hotel Administration.
With an impressive track record, she is the CEO and Founder of NGestiónRD, a leading company in business consultancy specializing in woman’s small business, entrepreneurship, associativity and family businesses. Additionally, she is the visionary behind the Felaorg Foundation, dedicated to promoting social responsibility.
Neris has 15 years of teaching experience at PUCMM and has held key roles in administrative and financial management for various companies over 20 years. Her passion for entrepreneurship has made her an unwavering businesswoman in the SME segment, actively involved in cooperatives.
Beyond her professional achievements, Neris stands out for her high sense of empathy and commitment to social responsibility. Her dedication and expertise make her an inspiring figure in the business and educational realms.